РЭОШ в зарубежных публикациях и СМИ
Снаряд, адресованный «хозяевам денег»: «Made in Russia». (О книге В.Ю. Катасонова «О проценте: ссудном, подсудном, безрассудном», вышедшей в США)
От Редакции. Мы получили рецензию С. Берестова на американское издание книги Председателя РЭОШ В. Ю. Катасонова: Interest: Loan, Justiciable, Reckless: «The Money Civilization» and the Present-Day Crisis. — USA. Denver (Co.): Outskirts Press. 2014. 706 pages.
По мнению автора рецензии, это издание свидетельствует о том, «…Запад также устал от навязчивой идеологии либерализма (фактически – капитализма) и с жадностью ищет альтернативные капитализму идеи. И никакие «железные кордоны» санкций не могут стать преградой для обмена альтернативными идеями между Западом и Россией». Что ж, надеемся…
…а саму рецензию предваряем оригинальным синопсисом издания: «Book Synopsis. This book aims to explain the socio-economic model of the modern world. It s called by different ways: «market economy», «post-industrial society», «capitalism», etc. However, this kind of terms can t fully disclose the essence of this model. Author calls it — «the monetary civilization»…
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Brexit’s Potential Impact on the Transatlantic Partnership
Английская версия статьи «О возможном влиянии Brexit на перспективы Трансатлантического партнёрства».
As is known, the conclusion of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement being lobbied for by Washington would create the world’s largest free trade zone and the free movement of capital. Today, the US and EU together (including the UK) are estimated to account for half of global GDP and a third of world trade.
Brexit, however, may introduce new elements into the Transatlantic Partnership equation…
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Central Banks: The Untouchables
Английская версия статьи «Неприкасаемые. Центральные банки и финансовый интернационал».
Central banks are key institutions responsible for issuing currency, monitoring private banks and carrying out a country’s monetary policy. In terms of their influence on a country’s economy, central banks may surpass all the economic agencies of an executive branch, including ministries of finance (treasuries). Central banks are not a part of any of the three branches of government (legislative, executive and judicial). Their special status, which makes them independent from the state, is set out in constitutions and special laws. It is believed that such independence is necessary to pursue a balanced monetary policy and prevent the government from abusing the printing press and covering its expenses by printing unsecured currency. These days, however, there are many who would prefer this argument to be forgotten seeing as the US Federal Reserve System (the central bank of the US), the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the European Central Bank and many other central banks in the Western world switched their printing presses to full power and masked what was going on with references to ‘quantitative easing programmes’…
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The ECB: Who Wears the Trousers in Europe?
Английская версия статьи «ЕЦБ, или Кто хозяин в европейском доме».
The UK referendum on 23 June has reinforced the disintegration trends within the EU and prompted a fresh look to be taken at the entire structure of the European Union. Of the seven institutions of the EU (the European Council, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union, the European Commission, the Court of Justice of the European European, the Court of Auditors, and the European Central Bank (ECB)), the one usually mentioned last, the ECB, is by no means the least important. In fact, there is reason to believe that in terms of its impact on the life of Europe, the ECB is the most important institution in the European Union.
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A Momentous Decision About Ukraine: The Suicide of the IMF
Английская версия статьи «Роковое решение по Украине, или Самоубийство МВФ».
The International Monetary Fund was perched on a precarious branch that has now been cut down out from under them. The IMF Executive Board met in Washington on the evening of Sept. 14. The biggest issue on their agenda was whether to approve a $1 billion loan disbursement to Ukraine. And they did. Except for the director representing Russia on that board, who voted against the payout…
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The Federal Reserve and Its Murky Role in the US Election
Английская версия статьи «Предвыборная гонка в США и Федеральный резерв».
…The problem is that the Federal Reserve is a private corporation, and the chair of the Fed’s board of governors has always taken orders only from that corporation’s shareholders — which primarily consist of the biggest banks on Wall Street. They’re the real money masters. And apparently they are once again planning to replay the old script from the 2000s, which means heating up the financial market using cheap (free) money. Realizing that this will generate a second, inescapable wave of the financial crisis, Trump is trying to shift the blame onto Obama in advance. Whether or not he succeeds, the real architects of the crisis will certainly stay in the shadows.
Tehran Versus Washington: From Defensive to Offensive
Английская версии статьи «Тегеран против Вашингтона: от обороны к наступлению»
Following the Iran nuclear deal, Washington announced it would begin lifting economic sanctions against Tehran. Iranian banks were allowed to reconnect to the SWIFT communications network, which handles international payment transactions, the ban on Iranian oil exports was lifted, and Washington finally decided to unfreeze Iran’s financial assets held abroad (the assets were seized in 2012). No-one really knows the volume and structure of these assets. Some Iranian officials have put the total amount at $130 billion, while the Institute of International Finance in Washington has estimated it at $100 billion…
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Negative Interest Rates — the Path to Cashless Paradise
Английский перевод Актуального комментария «Путь в безналичный рай» (русский текст — здесь).
Question from the editor: Recently The Wall Street Journal again sounded the theme of negative interest rates in Europe. Valentin Yuryevich, is this a new stage in this story?
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Ucrânia: Relatório de Situação (SITREP)
Материал сайта Pravda.ru «УКРАИНА: ОТЧЁТ О СИТУАЦИИ» на португальском языке. С комментариями Председателя РЭОШ В.Ю. Катасонова.
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The Orthodox Nationalist: Valentine Katasonov and the Occult History of Capitalism
От Редакции. Американский медиевист профессор Мэтью Рафаэль Джонсон кратко представляет взгляд Председателя РЭОШ В.Ю. КАТАСОНОВА на капитализм на сайте The Daily Stormer.
Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson represents the views of Cahairman of Russian Economic Society on The Daily Stormer site.
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The Death of Money or the Future of Economic Relations
Англоязычная версия статьи «Смерть денег и альтернативные экономические отношения» (первоисточник — здесь).
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The SWIFT System: A Potential Weapon in the Hybrid War
Английский перевод статьи «Система SWIFT может стать оружием в гибридной войне» (первоисточник — здесь) на сайте Voltairenet.org.
The economic and financial sanctions against Russia have highlighted the role of SWIFT in the US control of international monetary exchange. If Russia has already put in place, at national level, its own system, no alternatives exist yet internationally.
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